IPCPR’s political action committee, Premium Cigar PAC, was created with the stated purpose of providing individuals interested in the future of the cigar and pipe retailing industry with an avenue to contribute to the support of worthy candidates for Federal office.  We continue to successfully execute this mission. But we need your help to keep it going.

Premium Cigar PAC Members are advocates for the industry and also able to enjoy show benefits, events, raffles and MORE!

Sign below for legislative updates, PAC information and to authorize solicitations to your company and its eligible employees and members. Sign up to five years for your convenience! It’s simple – click the link below, fill out the form and just hit submit. It takes 2 minutes! Once submitted, we’ll provide you with a password and login for the PAC website to learn more.

This is not a contribution! It allows us to keep you informed of political issues, current events and PAC Activities. And While signing up, you can also authorize Premium Cigar PAC to solicit your company’s eligible employees or members for contributions to the PAC.

Premium Cigar PAC Member Login

If you have questions, contact Tori Ellington: [email protected]

Legal Disclaimer:

Contributions or gifts to Premium Cigar PAC are not tax deductible. Please note Premium Cigar PAC may not accept corporate funds, nor may it accept any contributions from foreign nationals. Contributions to Premium Cigar PAC are voluntary. IPCPR members will not be favored or disfavored on the basis of the contribution amount pledged or received, and a member may decline to participate without concern of reprisal. Any recommended contribution level is merely a suggestion, and you may decide to contribute more, less, or nothing at all. Contributions to the Premium Cigar PAC are used to make political contributions to candidates and activities on a national level that support the interests of IPCPR and its member companies. Finally, only a United States citizen or a foreign national lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence as defined by Section 101(a)(20) of the Immigration and Naturalization Act (§ U.S.C. Section 1101 (1)(20)) is authorized to provide support for Premium Cigar PAC.